Thursday, April 13

The Lord's Prayer in Ilokano

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At a young age, I learned the Lords Prayer in Ilokano first then I learned it in English. A common prayer that is a lot of time taken for granted , The Lord's Prayer is not only spiritual but it is a helpful tool in learning the Ilokano language. Many of you already know this prayer in English/Tagalog by heart so it'll be easier for you to translate in your head as you read the Ilokano version.

The Lord's Prayer
(Ilokano Version)

Amami, nga adda sadi langit,
(Um-mah-mi  ngah  ad-dah  sah-dee  lah-ngeet)

Madaydayaw kuma ti Nagan mo.
(Ma-die-die-yao  koo-mah  tee  Na-gun moh)

Umay Kuma ti pagariam.
(Oo-my  koo-ma  tee  pah-gaar-yum)

Maaramid kuma ti pagayatam
(Mah-ah-rah-meed  koo-mah  tee  pah-gah-yah-tum)

Kas sadi langit kasta met ditoy daga.
(Kas  sah-dee  la-ngeet  met  dee-toi  dah-gah)

Itedmo kadakam ita ti kanenmi iti inaldaw.
(Ee-ted-moh kah-dah-kum ee-tah tee kah-nen-mee ee-tee ee-nal-dao)

Ket pakawanennakami kadagiti basol mi,
(Ket  pah-kah-wah-nen-nah-kum-mee  kah-dah-gee-tee  bah-sool  mee)

A kas met panamakawanmi kadagiti naka basol kadakami.
(Ah  kas  met  pah-nah-mah-kah-wun-mee  kah-dah-gee-tee nah-kah  bah-sool  kah-dah-kum-mee)

Ket dinakam iyeg iti pannakasulisog,
(Ket  dee-nah-kum  ee-yeg  ee-tee  pun-nah-ka-soo-lee-soog)

No di ket isalakannakami iti dakes.
(Noh  dee  ket  ee-sah-la-kun-nah-kum-mee ee-tee dah-kes)

Iti pagariam, iti Panakabalinmo, ken iti gloriam
(Ee-tee  pah-gaar-yum,  ee-tee  pah-nah-kah-bah-leen-moh, ken  ee-tee glor-ryam)
nga awan patinggana
(ngah ah-wun pah-teeng-gah-nah

And this is how it will translate in English, which is different from the English version of the Lord's Prayer.

Our Father who is in heaven,
May your name be honored
May your kingdom be ours
Your will be done,
Here on earth like it is in heaven
Give us now what we will eat everyday
And forgive us of our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us
Do not allow us into temptation
And deliver us from all evil
Because your is the kingdom,
The power and the Glory
that has no limit

Of course, 
here is the English version most people are familiar with.

Our Father, thou art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name. 
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not to temptation,
But deliver us from Evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
The power and the glory 
Forever and Ever.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Inton maninsan manen! Until Next Time Again.

Happy Learning.

NOTES: These lessons are designed with the English Speakers in mind. The pronunciation is spelled out to emphasize sounds of the English language and alphabet to help the person say it correctly in sounds that they are familiar with. For Tagalog/Filipino readers seeking to utilize our lessons, read the words in your native tongue and do not follow the suggested pronunciation.

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6:37 AM CST

Yesterday morning, I woke up to find that $9,300 had been drained from my savings account. To make matters worse, my bank refused to help, claiming there was ‘no struggle.’

That’s when an expert from South pole 5EYES Recovery stepped in and helped me get my money back. At first, my bank dismissed my concerns, assuming that everything was fine. They even suggested that maybe I was still half-asleep or under the influence of something, but I knew better. I was fully aware that a scammer had stolen thousands of dollars from my account. I live in San Francisco and I have saved over $10,000 with Chime, an online banking service that manages over 10 million customers. My account was strictly for savings; I didn’t even use the card for purchases. Yesterday morning, I received a call from my bank about a series of mysterious withdrawals. The scammers had made 11 transactions in quick succession, each ranging from $450 to $900. Before I could react, they had transferred a total of $9,300 to an unknown account. I immediately reported the fraud to my bank, and while they were able to freeze my account temporarily, they ultimately ruled that there was no suspicious activity. Why? Because the hacker had no trouble accessing my account—meaning, in their eyes, it wasn’t a case of forced hacking. I admitted that at the time, many of my passwords were identical, which probably made it easier for the scammer. Still, the bank refused to take further action.

Thankfully, I had been following Sally Tan, a Singaporean woman who frequently recommends South pole 5EYES Hackers on Quora. Desperate, I contacted them immediately. One of their experts quickly called me via video chat. They asked a few crucial questions and requested any information on people who might have had access to my passwords in the past. But I was too overwhelmed to think clearly—I could barely stop crying throughout our conversation. Then, the breakthrough happened. Within just 30 minutes, the expert tracked my stolen money to a Frost Bank account belonging to a woman who had received the funds. I immediately called my bank again and reported the findings. This time, with solid evidence in hand, my bank contacted Frost Bank, which confirmed that the transaction history matched their records. My luck turned when Frost Bank froze the scammer’s account and summoned her for questioning. I don’t know what happened next, but all of my money was returned to me.

I knew that South pole 5EYES typically charges 40% for their recovery services, but in my case, they only took 20%. I gladly paid the $1,860 fee—I’d much rather lose a small fraction than the entire $9,300. A Huge Thank You to Sally Tan. This was the worst experience of my life, but thanks to her and South pole 5EYES, I didn’t lose everything. I am beyond grateful.

A Warning to Everyone:

✅ Use unique, strong passwords for all your financial accounts.

✅ Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.

✅ Monitor your transactions regularly for any suspicious activity.

✅ If fraud happens, act immediately, Banks aren’t always helpful.

✅ Hire the right expert for expert recovery assistance (southpole5eyeshackingandrecoveringcom)

I hope my story helps someone else avoid the same nightmare. The secret is act faster once you notice any form of Scam. the more you wait the more it gets hard to recover

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