Thursday, July 10


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Nothing came as more of shock for me, than to discover that everyone in the Philippines has a title. Often these titles are family titles like aunt, uncle, brother, sister, but that the people we apply these titles too are not necessarily family. With respect of real importance, it is necessary to get these titles correct. So tonight's post is dedicated to different titles and who you should apply them too.

Only two titles must be family, mother and father.

Nánang, Inang- Mother, can also be used with Mother-in-law and possible your grandmother.
Tátang, Ama- Father, same rules as Mother.

The rest can cover both family and non-family.

Lólo, Lélong- Grandfather, or males around the same age as your grandfather. Especially relatives.
Lóla, Lélang- Grandmother, same as above.
Ápong- Grand parent
Ápo- Sir/Ma'am.
Nínang- Godmother
Nínong- Godfather
*Ikit, Tia,Títa, Bápa, Nána- Aunt, or any female around the same age as your parents or in the same generation.
*Uliteg, Títo, Táta- Uncle, same rules as Aunt.
Mánang- Older sister, family or any female older than you, but to young to be Aunt.
Mánong- Older brother, same as Manang.
Áding- Younger sibling, or anyone younger than you.
Balásangko- My young lady.
Barok- My young man.

*Due to the wide variety in terms with Aunt/Uncle it best to ask how to address someone if not sure. My parents generation is referred to as Uncle whereas me nieces and nephews call me Tito. I should also note that it is possible for you to address someone younger than you as Aunt or Uncle. With large families many times the oldest child has children before their youngest sibling is even born. Case in point, my 28 year old uncle and his 30 year old nephew.

When in doubt ask. In fact here is how you ask.

Ania ti awagko ken sika? Uncle wenno Títo wenno Mánong wenno Mánang.....
What do I call you? Uncle or Tito or Brother or Sister......

Don't actually ask it that way unless you are darn certain they will get the joke. And no, do not refer to baklas as females unless they tell you too.

Hopefully this helps you in addressing people. Respect is a big thing in the Philippines so it pays to get it right.

Until next time. Ditakayon.
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