Saturday, July 12

Mnemonics for language learning

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One of the techniques Barry Farber lays out in his book for learning a new language is mnemonics for vocabulary. Mnemonics are unique way of attaching meaning to words to make them easier to remember. You do it by slightly changing the word into something familiar and thus making it quicker and easier to recall. If this sounds slightly confusing here are some examples.

Agsala - to dance

First we take agsala and find a word that sounds similar, I chose excellent. Next we have to connect the two words. For me I put on the heaviest spanish accent I could muster and declared my self "The most excellent dancer in the world, beating everyone at tango and the waltz." By doing this excellent sounds more like agsala, also it connects it and dancing together.

So when I think of dancing I think excellent dancer which leads to agsala.
Dance-> Excellent-> Agsala

See how that works? The more bizarre, outrageous and crude the image the easier it is to remember. Let's try another one.

Tiendaan- store

This time I break the word down into parts to make it easier. Tie-n-daan, from this I get the words Tia and Dan, two names. Now I put that into a sentence to connect them to store.
Tia and Dan went to the store. Tia and Dan are now connected to store.

Store-> Tia and Dan-> tiendaan

Try it with some other words. This is not just reserved for English speakers, if Tagalog or Cebuano is your native language then find words that you can use the same techniques on. Just remember that vivid, bizarre and crude images work the best. If my examples don't work for you try some of your own. They only have to work for you.

For more information on this system check out Barry Farber's book as well as Buildyourmemory. com.

Try to aim for about 10 words a day using this technique and you will amass a sizeable vocabulary in no time.

One more tip for those who already speak another Filipino dialect, look for words that are very close to each other. Examples for Tagalog/Ilocano are To Sleep-maturog and matulog, also To Study-agadal and pagaral. This should speed up the learning a bit for you.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and we will answer them. Also don't forget to subscribe to our RSS Feed to stay up to date with the latest here.

Until next time. Ditakayon.
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